A Missed Diagnosis of Heart Valve Disease Often Results in Serious Consequences

Although heart valve disease is straightforward to diagnose and can be treated to greatly reduce the risk of death, cases do go undetected.

Undiagnosed heart valve disease could progress to severe aortic stenosis, also known as heart valve failure, leading to treatment delays and putting patients at increased risk for progression, poor quality of life, and death.

Diagram of a magnifying glass over top of a heart and its valves

Lack of Patient Awareness and Urgency Toward Their Heart Valve Health May Play a Role

Your patients rely on you to know their risk factors, see the signs, and take action by performing auscultations, detecting murmurs, and referring for echocardiograms.

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Some of Your Patients Are More Likely to Be Overlooked for Referrals

Lower diagnosis rates and likelihood of referrals affect specific groups of patients such as women, those in lower income households, and people of certain racial or ethnic backgrounds.

Get the Concerning Facts
Woman looking at camera next to an illustration of a red heart valve character called Mr. Valve representing a heart valve with the words ‘Screen. Detect. Act.’ underneath